Thank you for attending the
2020 Judicial Summit on Mental Health!
Earn up to 13.5 continuing education hours for this summit. If you would like to receive credit for attending this summit please visit our continuing education information page HERE. Make sure you fill out both the post event survey and the continuing education survey, which is linked at the end of the event survey, to receive credit and a certificate of attendance for the summit.
Select from the boxes above for quick access to information, resources, and discussion forums
Click Summit Agenda to explore an interactive agenda featuring session abstracts as well as speaker’s photos and bios.
View the Attendee List tab to see who else is attending and to send a direct message to other attendees.
Continuing Education links you to information & the form you need to fill out in order to receive professional credit for the seminar.
Browse the Discussion Forum to discuss important topics and look for mentorship opportunities.
Under the Summit Resources, you will find all the downloadable handouts and PowerPoints for each presentation. Here you will also find the link to download the online Adult Mental Health and IDD Law Bench Book as well as the NEW JCMH Juvenile Mental Health and IDD Law Bench Book, released November 2020.
Want to win a book?!

The first 100 people who send in a photo* of yourself watching the Summit to automatically make the list to receive a hard copy of one of JCMH’s books – including our NEW JCMH Juvenile MH & IDD Law Bench Book, hot off the presses! And who knows, your photo may end up in JCMH’s next Report to the Courts.*
Want to win a book but don’t want to send in a picture? Stay tuned during the breaks for our book raffle winner announcements! (All registrants are automatically entered; winners will also be emailed after the event to choose their book.)
* Be advised that emailing in a photo to the above email address grants JCMH permission to use your photo on JCMH related websites, social media, and in JCMH publications.